How to Easily Remove Wallpaper

Before you can determine the best approach to removing wallpaper, you need to know the type of wall covering and the type of wall surface that is under the wallpaper.


In most cases, walls are either drywall ( gypsum sandwiched between layers of paper) or plaster smoothed over lath (either strips of wood or metal mash). You can usually tell what you have by the feel (plaster is harder, colder and smoother than drywall) or by taping on it ( drywall sounds hollow, and plaster doesn’t). When in doubt, remove an outlet cover to see the exposed edges.

Drywall is more vulnerable to water damage; you must avoid over wetting it. And use care when scrapping because drywall gouges more easily than plaster.

Be optimistic. Assume that the paper is dry-strippable. Lift a corner of the paper from the wall with a putty knife.. Grasp the paper with both hands and slowly attempt to peel it back at a very low angle.

If it peels off, you’re home free. If the wallpaper does not , or if only the decorative surface layer peels off, you must saturate the wallpaper or the remaining backing with water and wallpaper remover solvent and then scrape it off.

Some papers, such as foils or those coated with a vinyl or acrylic finish, are not porous. If you’re removing such wallpapers, you must scratch, perforate, or roughen the entire surface to permit the solution to penetrate below the nonporous surface to the adhesive. . You can test for porosity by spraying a small area with hot water and wallpaper remover. If the paper is porous, you should see the paper absorb water immediately. After the paper is wetted, you can scrape it off.

Now that you know what you are dealing with, you can choose an appropriate removal technique for the entire surface. Depending on your situation, choose one of three wallpaper-removal approaches: dry-stripping, wallpaper remover, or steam.

If using any of the approaches is difficult or time consuming for you, our professionals at AVESTA PAINTING will be happy to assist you and get the job done.

You can call us at (204)915-5403 or fill out our online form if you will be needing any assistance.


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