3 Ways to Properly Store Paint

Let’s be real: buying the exact amount of paint for a project is a nearly impossible task. In fact, millions of gallons of paint go to waste every year because people buy too much and don’t correctly store it. In the end, failing to secure your leftover paint will lose you loads of money and leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

Be resourceful and save that paint for future projects. If you have no idea how to do so, follow out three tips for proper paint storage so you can decrease your visits to your local hardware or paint store.

Keep Containers Dry, Elevated and Cool

First things first: all paint must be stored in a dry place and off the ground. If cans are exposed to moisture, they will rust and contaminate the paint within them. Also, it is a must to keep your paint in a cool, not cold, area. If it freezes, it will separate and become unusable. If it is subjected to direct sunlight or near other heat sources, it will degrade faster. Your best bet is to keep it in a utility closet or your laundry room.

Clean Your Containers

You don’t need to do this everyday., but cleaning your containers every once in a while extend the lifespan of your paint. By saying this I mean, excess residue on the trim of the container, makes it harder to properly seal, allowing air to seep in and compromise the paint. After each use, all you need to do is simply remove the lid, wipe the rim and reseal it.

Tightly and Securely Seal Your Containers

This seems like overkill, but it will make your paint last a lot longer. To create an even tighter seal and prevent metal-to-metal corrosion, take some stretch wrap, cover your paint and reseal the lid. However, don’t just clamp the lid on, set it firmly into place. Take a wood block and place it on the lid of the container. Then proceed to hit the wood block until the lid is tightly secured. As a result, your paint will be as protected as it can be from ait seeping in.

As professional painters, we apply those techniques to ensure our paint stays fresh. The last thing we want is to show up at your home with old, unusable paint, so we go to extreme measures to ensure our containers tightly secured.

For the best home painting services around, contact AVESTA PAINTING (www.avestapainting.ca) today. We’d love to explore your painting needs and provide you with an unparalleled solution.

Call us or fill out our online form to receive your free quote today! 

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